GLOW Body Blog

Fit, Mindful, Nourished.

Welcome to a world where well-being takes center stage – a place where Pilates, mindful movement, fitness, clean eating, nourishing recipes, mindfulness, and a positive mindset converge.

Our blog is your sanctuary for embracing a holistic and vibrant lifestyle. Whether you're seeking to strengthen your body, fuel your spirit, or cultivate a mindful perspective, you've found your haven. Join us as we journey together, exploring the realms of health, harmony, and happiness. Let's embark on a path that nurtures every facet of your being. Welcome to a life of wellness and inspiration.

We hope you enjoy!

Not So Pretty In Pink

You slide into the cozy corner booth; a small candle flickers with dancing light. As you browse the menu, the jumbo burgers catch your eye.  It's been a while, and just the thought of a...

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Smoothies 101

So, what's the deal with smoothies?
Why are they good for you?

For starters, smoothies are…

  • Chock full of vitamins, enzymes and minerals.
  • Easy to digest, which mean optimal...
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Light and Luscious Coconut Milk

Why not lighten and brighten this spring with the Smoothie Challenge? We provide the healthy, easy recipes; you create and enjoy. Up for the challenge? So are we! Love coconuts! You get fiber...

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Get In The (Blue) Zone!

Let's talk Blue Zones.

And in case you're not familiar with the term, this is not about sadness. On the contrary − it's about long life (the longest!) and vitality.

Blue Zones refer to those...

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Super Green Kale Smoothie

Kale one of the most nutritious and hearty vegetables you can eat.  This dense green leafy vegetable is high in fiber and low in calories.  It contains huge levels of iron, vitamin K,...

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Spring's Ahead... Spring Forward!

Sunday, March 9, 2:00am = more light, longer days, sunshine. You in?????

A gentle reminder: Before slipping between those silky sheets on Saturday night, set your clocks ahead an hour. I, for one,...

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Happy Valentine's Day

Glistening sweat. Rising heat. Pumping heart. Rushing blood. Feel the heat?

Ah, Valentine's Day. It's all about love. That indescribable, wholly inspirational, beautiful force we search for,...

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Lentil Soup

Let's talk lentils. If you are not already eating them... START. They may look like a pile of non-descript disks, but in the kingdom of legumes they are nothing short of superheroes. This high-iron...

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Superfoods (put a superhero in your kitchen) Osteo blog 5

It's a bird, it's a plane... well, actually, it's more like a powder, but... it's Superfood!  The superhero just waiting to optimize your health − and strengthen your bones −...

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It's Holiday Season... got tissues?

There's an elephant in the room. No one wants to talk about germs. As if the mere mention of colds and flu makes us more vulnerable. But ever notice how many people start sneezing and hacking as...

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Pumpkin Soup with Apple Croutons

What's low in calories, contains no saturated fats or cholesterol, yet flourishes with rich dietary fiber, anti-oxidants, minerals, vitamins, and tasty pleasures? You guessed it! The pumpkin! Often...

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Giving Thanks

"Let us be grateful to the people who make us happy; they are the charming gardeners who make our souls blossom." - Marcel Proust 

Hard to believe another Thanksgiving has arrived. The...

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Get Pumped! to select, clean, and cook a pumpkin

I love pumpkin anything. It is a flavorful, nutritious (think fiber, vitamins, minerals, antioxidants, no cholesterol, and yes... I could go on!), low-calorie squash-fruit that bursts with healthy...

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Fermented Daikon Radishes

Celebrating daikon radishes... the superfood known for its gentle flavor, low (low!) calorie count and immense benefits. If you are not including this white fleshed radish in your diet, it's time...

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Stevia Face Mask

If you aren't already familiar with "Stevia", allow me to make the introduction:  Meet Stevia. She's incredibly sweet (like 300 times sweeter than sugar), has barely an aftertaste, works well...

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Banana Coconut Maca

Need a little pick-me-up? Try this instead of coffee!

The Maca scoop: It's the root from Peru celebrated for energy boosting properties, vitamins, minerals, enzymes, and essential amino acids....

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Grilled Fresh Fennel

What's crunchy, sweet, and full of phytonutrients?

You guessed it! It's fennel, and if you're not already cooking with this delicious vege and enjoying its many health benefits it's time. An...

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Scrumptious Summer Salad

What better way to greet July than with our delicious cleansing salad?!  Packed full of valuable nutrients, you also get the benefits of "raw" olive oil (which, when combined with a healthy...

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Organic Mary

It may be easy to get your fruit quota for the day, but for most of us, getting enough veggies requires more effort. Or, it used to!  It's easy to 'veggie up' with our organic virgin Mary...

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Lulu Love (Fashion Fitness 101)

I was chatting with a friend the other day; she's a runner who absolutely depends on early morning miles for her sanity. But I had to laugh as she described her "morning laziness." How she...

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I love You Berry Much

Handfuls of deliciousness. Colorful gifts of the Gods. And each one has specific health boosting, nutritional benefits. Have I mentioned how much I love berries?!

Celebrated as major superfoods,...

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BUYER BE CLEAR 4... Are You Eating Wood?

Fiber − it is absolutely critical for a healthy digestive tract. It expedites food's journey through our systems and stimulates healthy and regular elimination. Cellulose is the insoluble...

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Cacao Smoothie

Cacao, in its natural (unprocessed) glory was revered by the ancient Mayans and Aztecs as currency... and even used as ritualistic offerings for the Gods. Enjoyed in moderation − and in its...

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Gina In Retrograde

Now would be a good time to pipe in that Twilight Zone music.

Since March 17th is a few days behind us... well, the whole period from February 24 - March 17th... I'm ready to share a little bit...

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